Every Friday The Week Junior's parent title The Week provides the unique opportunity to reflect on the last 7 days in preparation for the week ahead. But how do we put it all together?
Choosing which articles make it into The Week
We do the hard work for you. Our senior writers are assigned newspapers and magazines to read every day and note down the most entertaining articles from all political perspectives. The team then gather on a Monday morning and discuss what they think the shape of the magazine will be like for the coming week.
How the content is written
There is a great art in distilling the essence of a long article. Our award-winning editorial team must assemble arguments from the various sources they have selected. They have to get different voices into a single argument about an issue and to make it sound as if the sources were all taking count of each others points of view, in such a way that the seams don’t show. The flow mustn't be interrupted and it should feel like you are reading a completely original piece.
The Week has such a clear and well sign posted format. There’s Controversy of the week, Main stories, Best British articles, and then the funny bits such as It must be true I read it in the tabloids, It wasn’t all bad, and Boring but important. People have a familiarity with this, and there’s an anticipation of what is coming up.
The Week front covers
The team also decide what the focus of The Week front cover should be. They brief our resident illustrator Howard McWilliam who gets to work on creating our fantastic covers and brings to life some of the most talked about political figures of the week.
Did you know that you can pick up a copy of Howard’s Art of The Week book at The Week Bookshop? It showcases some of his best illustrations over the 10 years he has worked on The Week.