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At The Week, we do all the hard work for you. Every week our award-winning team of editors scour more than 200 news sources from around the world, stitching together fact and opinion from the most trusted publications into one insightful, concise and refreshingly unbiased read.
Each issue offers a balanced perspective on the big issues, with commentary from The Times, The Telegraph, The Guardian and many more. The Week gets straight to the heart of the issues that matter, so you can make up your own mind (free from any angle or agenda).
Discover everything you need to know from the last seven days, plus a roundup of the best entertainment, books, theatre, events and more.
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The history of The Week
The Week was created in 1995 by Founding Editors Jeremy O’Grady and Jon Connell. In those days (long before the advent of the internet) most people got their news from one or two favourite papers, missing out on the rich variety of opinion and debate out there.
Noticing a vital gap in the market, Jeremy and Jon got to work. Based in Paddington (from an ex-garage so small that editorial meetings were held on the street) they trawled every news outlet available, stitching together rival sides of the biggest news stories with a small team of journalists.
Despite initial scepticism from critics in the industry, The Week grew in popularity because it gave readers a truly unbiased view of current affairs - something just as valuable today as it was back then.
The art of The Week
Our illustrated covers are part of the heart and soul of the magazine, and may be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of The Week.
The satirical style that has come to effortlessly reflect who we are is created by Howard McWilliam, who has been producing our eye-catching covers for the last thirteen years.
Join him in this short video, as he takes you behind-the-scenes from the initial concept all the way to the finished artwork.
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Great magazine! Great summary of news and press around the world - look forward to it every week.
J Pargeter
Easy and enjoyable news round up.
Concise and well curated periodical, covering the main topics and a good selection of non-headline news items.
Manda Bray
I enjoy The Week so much that I watch my post box scrupulously for its arrival...I can't imagine my week without it!
Margaret Hastings
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